Are My Pup Nails Too Long? How Often Should I Trim Them?

If you're like most dog owners, you probably dread the task of trimming your pup's nails. It can be difficult, and it's easy to make a mistake and cut too far. But it's important to keep your dog's nails trimmed, especially if they spend a lot of time indoors. Your puppy can suffer physical and psychological damage if its nails are too long.

Doodles are a popular choice for families all over Ohio.  For the new dog parents, we’ll go over everything you need to know about trimming your pup's nails.

How Often Should I Trim My Pups Nails?

The frequency you should trim your dog's nails or have them trimmed depends on the individual dog, but it's recommended to trim them every one to two weeks, remember it’s best to talk to your veterinarian first; different factors also play a role in the frequency, such as:

  • The type of surface they spend most of their time on: Dogs that spend most of their time indoors on the carpet will need their nails trimmed more often than dogs that spend time outdoors on grass, dirt, or a concrete pad.

  • The type of activities they do: Dogs that participate in activities that wear down nails, their nails will wear down more quickly. If they dig or do agility training, their nails will wear down much more quickly than if they just took leisurely walks around the block.

  • What your dog eats: Your dog's nails reflect its overall health and diet; for example, lacking certain minerals or vitamins can lead to weak and brittle nails. A well-nourished dog typically has stronger nails.

  • Certain health conditions: Dogs can develop bacterial infections under their nails, leading to fungal infections. Autoimmune disorders, food and environmental allergies, and tumors are common issues that affect dog nails.

Are You Ready To Be A Fur Parent?

Have you been thinking of getting a goldendoodle puppy? Or searching for doodle puppies for sale in Ohio? If so, remember that being a fur parent is not just about cuddling and playing with your pup — it's also about ensuring their health and well-being. 

At Best Doodle Puppies, we are specialized doodle breeders in Ohio and can make sure you get the right pup for you. We can also recommend products specifically designed to help trim your pup's nails so that the task doesn't seem so daunting! With our support, you will be ready to give your pup a loving home.